SWAP is a new way to communicate with your friends.
You can take and send a photo to your friends to share your moment. And they couldnt see your photos before they sent theirs ;)
1. Step : Take a Shot
Taking photo with your camera is the best way to share moment.
2. Step : Send
Sent your photo with a message to all friends you want.
3. Step : Surprise
Your friends could see your message but not the photo. When they also share their moments then able to see your moment;)
English : photo, camera, chat, conversation, message, share, snapchat, friend, take, social network, exchange, fun, surprise, sling ,slingshot
Türkçe : fotoğraf, mesaj, sohbet, paylaş, snapchat, arkadaş, kamera, sosyal ağ, değiş dokuş, eğlence, süpriz